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Sunset Way

Interior Renovation, 4-room HDB flat


Year: 2015

Client: AB XY

Area: 123 sqm

Photography: Jonathan Poh


As the unit is usually occupied one person, the spare rooms in the unit becomes almost redundant. One room was therefore made smaller to accomodate a walk-in wardrobe, while the other was made openable so that on most days, the living area is large and spacious. (designed size-specific for the owner owing to his large physical frame). 


The apartment also opens up to amazing views to the external, which is no wonder why we had to have large window panels , while the kitchen window could be opened fully to either sides for maximum views out.


It was also part of the brief that the materials and colour scheme had to exude certain masculinity, hence a muted and raw palette was preferred over a clean and manicured one.

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